The Akashic Records are a fifth dimensional energetic database containing a vibrational record of every Soul and its complete journey from its moment of origination. As such, every thought, emotion, word, and deed creates an energetic ripple throughout the fabric of space and time, creating this experiential body of knowledge.
Residing outside of time and space, the Akashic Records can be accessed at anytime from anywhere to gain information about a Soul's journey. Each Soul is a unique, individuated expression of the Divine and has its own Akashic Record containing all information about itself since its moment of origination from Divine Source.
Why choose a Soul Realignment TM reading?
Soul Realignment readings within the Akashic Records inform you about the Divine nature of your own Soul; its characteristics, gifts, and challenges and how you have, through your own choices, shaped your experiences over the course of many lifetimes. This offers an empowering explanation about what you are experiencing in the here and now and creates the opportunity to substantially shift your current experience enabling you to live in alignment with your Divine self having a human experience.
The overall intent of this form of working with the Records is to assist you in aligning, through choice, with your own Divine nature in order to create a human experience of abundance and fulfillment; essentially to be both human and Divine, at the same time, without separation.
Why is this important and how can it help me?
The entire fabric of our being (physical, emotional, mental, energetic, and higher selves including our Soul) is affected by every choice we make. Most people have little understanding of who they are at Soul level thus are unable to take effective action by making choices congruent with who they are at this level. We come into human form to experience ourselves within our individuation as this holds the greatest potential for the experience of self. This creates a separation between who we truly are and the people/beings we think we are. Negative choices, those that run counter to or against our Divine expression of self and usually made out of guilt, shame, blame, obligation, or what others tell us we 'should' versus what is in our own hearts, create disruptive new patterns in our Soul’s Divine Blueprint creating further disturbances in our here and now and our futures. Thus lack, dis-empowerment, unconsciousness, and fear have become the norm. By resolving any existing blocks and restrictions, we enable the Soul to heal and a different pathway to open going forward.
How do we accomplish this?
Once we understand what all the blocks and restrictions are, how they came to be, and how they are affecting us in our current life, we can clear the energetic footprint of them from our Records while retaining all the learning that has been accomplished because of them. This can also be done for homes, apartments, and properties. This frees us from patterns and energetic holds allowing us to make new choices, if we so choose, and to create a different experience in our here and now.
What Does a Reading entail? After providing me with your date and place of birth, current legal name, name at birth, and your permission, I will prepare your reading and then schedule a time for us to meet (in person, on the phone, or via Skype) to deliver the information that the Guides in the Records have brought forward. This will include information on your Soul profile (what energies govern, place of origination, gifts and challenges, level of connection with your Soul self, etc), and any blocks and restrictions affecting your here and now. You will have time during this meeting to ask any questions you might have and for us to ask for any clarifying information should any be required from the Guides. This generally takes about an hour. You will be assigned some followup homework to help anchor into your human form the clearing work done on your behalf in the Records.
Please note: We cannot read the Akashic Records without the expressed permission of the person seeking assistance. The exception would be reading from your own child's Records for the purpose of supporting their fullest potential for development and supporting overcoming difficulties they are experiencing.
From time to time, despite seeking help in your human form, your Soul is not open to this guidance and a reading is not permitted at Soul level and cannot proceed.